Caribbean Fruit Cake/Black cake, Wedding Cake & Christmas Cake

Caribbean Fruit Cake /Black Cake, Wedding Cake, Christmas Cake

This is the most famous cake in the Caribbean. Many people use it for their wedding cake, and it is a must-have for Christmas. It is right up there with the ham and turkey. Everyone loves a good piece of “black cake”. After working on this recipe for years, I believe that this is a fantastic recipe. It is moist but not wet, and this makes it perfect for icing. Try this recipe, and you will love this cake as much as we do.

Tip 1: Although this cake recipe has a fair amount of alcohol, the alcohol evaporates during the cooking process leaving behind just the amazing flavour. If sharing with children or pregnant women, avoid pouring alcohol over the top of the cake when done.

Tip 2. This cake can last several months, up to a year as the alcohol helps to preserve it.